You Can

1. Put Bowls of Water.

Put as many mud bowls of water at convenient places for stray animals, especially during summers. You would be surprised by the number of creatures that would benefit from this simple gesture. It quenches the thirst of thousands of creatures, big and small.

2. Feed Them.

We should always feed animals around us. Millions of stray animals are suffering. They do not have enough food and water to survive. Biscuits(sugar free) are one of the most convenient and safest food items to feed stray dogs. However, a healthier option could be rice, daal, boiled vegetables, etc.

3. Get Them Sterilized.

Over population of animals often leads to hungry, unhealthy and sometimes aggressive strays that compromise their own welfare and threaten public health. It also reduces human-dog conflicts.

4. Get Them Vaccinated.

Diseases, such as rabies, pose a huge threat to humans. The disease is fatal to humans, as well as to the animals who carry it. Vaccination reduces the chance of infected animals harming other people and animals in the community.

5. Speak Up for the Animals.

When you see cruelty meted out to an animal, speak up! Talk to the perpetrators and speak your mind. Show them the way around their own problems by suggesting to them that human beings as an intelligent species could easily avoid areas of conflict with an animal.

6. Plant More Trees.

Plant trees and shrubs and provide a haven for birds and tree dwelling animals in your neighborhood. Imagine getting up in the mornings to the orchestra of bird’s sounds and songs.

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